The IN List: weekly shares the top events going on this week in & around Carmel. Be sure to keep an eye on Instagram stories from @keepingupincarmel throughout the week for any event changes or additions.
Stay tuned for the weekend event list coming Thursday night!
Monday, Dec 5
FLIXMAS: 5pm and 6pm showing. Flix Brewhouse. Showing National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Tickets are only $7! Tickets required.
Tuesday, Dec 6
FLIXMAS: 6:30pm showing. Flix Brewhouse. Showing A Christmas Story. Tickets are only $7! Tickets required.
Wednesday, Dec 7
Winter Wonderland at the Carmel Main Library: 10am & 11am. Story time, music, and a craft. Ticketed event. First come, first serve–tickets are distributed 30 min before program starts at the kids desk.
Story Time at Cool Creek Park: 10:30am - 11:30am. Cool Creek Nature Center. Ages 3-5pm. Free event, registration required.
Open Play @ The Park At Traders Point: 3-7pm. Traders Point Christian Church, 6590 S. Indianapolis Road Whitestown, IN. Free entry. Kids need socks, parents need an I.D. Pre-register your family and check the capacity tracker at tpcc.org/thepark.
Santa Drive-By: Comets Crossing - Purple/Northwest. Check the Santa Tracker to see which route your neighborhood is on and when he will be driving by your street!
Thursday, Dec 8
Winter Wonderland at the Carmel Main Library: 10am & 11am. Story time, music, and a craft. Ticketed event. First come, first serve–tickets are distributed 30 min before program starts at the kids desk.
Ladies Night in The Village: 5-9pm. Downtown Zionsville. Shop and dine with deals and specials at stores in the Zionsville Village.
Carmel Christkindlmarkt: Open 4pm-9pm. 10 Carter Green, Carmel, IN. Award winning German Christmas Market with food, activities, and entertainment for the whole family. Free to enter. Visit carmelchristkindlmarkt.com/schedule for the daily schedule of events.
Open Play @ The Park At Traders Point: 3-7pm. Traders Point Christian Church, 6590 S. Indianapolis Road Whitestown, IN. Free entry. Kids need socks, parents need an I.D. Pre-register your family and check the capacity tracker at tpcc.org/thepark.
Friday, Dec 9
Carmel Christkindlmarkt: Open 11am-9pm. 10 Carter Green, Carmel, IN. Award winning German Christmas Market with food, activities, and entertainment for the whole family. Free to enter. Visit carmelchristkindlmarkt.com/schedule for the daily schedule of events.
Santa Drive-By: 5-8pm. Cupids Course - Magenta/East Central. Check the Santa Tracker to see which route your neighborhood is on and when he will be driving by your street!
Carmel Holiday Trolley: Runs 5-9pm. Hop on and off for free at stops at Main St, The Indiana Design Center, Midtown, The City Center, and the Christkindlemarkt.
Open Play @ The Park At Traders Point: 3-7pm. Traders Point Christian Church, 6590 S. Indianapolis Road Whitestown, IN. Free entry. Kids need socks, parents need an I.D. Pre-register your family and check the capacity tracker at tpcc.org/thepark.
Winter Wonderland at 3UP: 5pm-12am. 201 W Main St. Carmel, IN. 3UP Rooftop Bar is transformed into a winter wonderland during the month of December. Grab some friends or go on a date night and check out the festive rooftop space. Outdoor areas are heated. Live music, holiday drinks.